How could I, when faced with the glorious weirdness that was the Solitract Cosmic Frog, not realise that the whole episode’s plot kind of boiled down to the same thing as the throwaway-concept-turned-immortal-character of the Hypnotoad?
S11, E8: The Witchfinders
S11, E7: Kerblam!
S11, E6: Demons of the Punjab
S11, E5: The Tsuranga Conundrum
S11, E4: Arachnids in the UK
S11, E3: Rosa
I kept trying to talk myself into writing the recap on Friday, but I had other stuff that needed doing, and Saturday was full with a birthday party, and which almost ended in a random late night trip to the Hellfire Club to see my mate Simon run their “Hell-o-ween” special but didn’t because everyone piked.
S11, E2: The Ghost Monument
I must recap Doctor Who, which not only had plot points reminiscent of Rat Race, but shades of The Hunger Games and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as well. You see, I parse all pop culture through other pop culture prisms. One day I’ll read some Tolstoy or Foucault or something and get really erudite, but until then, it’s erudumb all the way.